Quiz – Audiovisual eco-design

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You’re an expert in audiovisual eco-design? Test your knowledge!

You’re an expert in audiovisual eco-design? Test your knowledge!

It's vital to think about what your target audience really needs. In your opinion, what percentage of functions on websites and mobile applications are considered to be non-essential?
You want to add a graphic to your website. Which format should you prefer?
What should they do with their font?
Graphic designers have created a customised font for their company's print charter, with the aim of reducing the ink consumption of their print media. They are now working on their website.
Which of the following proposals fall within the scope of Green UX design?
What do you think of their work?
A restaurant chain wants to redesign its site to reduce its environmental footprint. It therefore hired a specialist team, which began by redesigning their presentation page. The programme includes a standard font, a single photo compressed in .jpeg format, a limited number of compressed CSS files, an interactive Google Maps map showing the addresses of the various restaurants, and a video that links directly to YouTube when you press "play"...

Discover the other themes

Work organization

What are the social and environmental impacts of our daily professional practices and how can we reduce them?

Stakeholder engagement

How to interact responsibly with others and manage adequate governance with third parties?

Messages & stories

How to transmit more ethical messages, create a good story based on frameworks and values, fight against disinformation and fake news?

Print & web graphics

How can we create more responsible communication media, accessible to all and with a reduced environmental footprint?

Digital & development

How to create, program, optimize, host and manage your digital tools in a more sustainable way?


How can we find more responsible alternatives to meet the needs of production and teams?


How to organize an eco-event, measure and evaluate its impacts, and communicate them in a judicious and transparent manner?


How to choose printers, papers and inks for print media and manage their distribution more responsibly?


What is the impact of the media? How to choose the right channel to reduce the ecological footprint of your media campaigns?